Dog Halitosis – Holistic Treatment for Dogs with Bad Breath

Dog Halitosis
Holistic Treatment for Dogs with Bad Breath

While there are only several reasons why a dog will have a smelly mouth, many people continue to ask why do dogs have bad breath?

To cure bad breath in dogs, a clear understanding of why dogs get bad breath is necessary in order to begin to pinpoint the specific reasons that your own dog has this problem.

Understanding what causes dogs to get bad breath is the first step in curing it.

In Holistic Treatment for Dogs with Bad Breath, I provide three steps to eliminate bad dog breath once and for all.

By looking at the whole dog, find the cause, know the cure and learn how to keep a dog’s breath fresh.

To just brush or spray with the latest dog breath freshening fad product only masks the underlying problem that’s causing the dog to have bad breath in the first place.

The goal is to eliminate bad dog breath entirely, not by just apply a temporary fix.

What causes bad breath in dogs?

– Ingesting the wrong combination of foods
– Eating something with a putrid odor
– Eating decayed animal parts
– Eating rotten food
– Eating animal feces
– A low grade diet
– Irregular bowels
– Lack of adequate daily exercise
– Lack of water
– An unclean mouth
– Plaque build up and lastly
– Infection or dis-ease

The only way to cure bad dog breath is to look at the possible reasons so to find the root cause.

Reasons for bad breath in dogs

– Poor dental hygiene
– Wrong diet and inadequate exercise
– The make up of the dog and daily routine
– Internal health problems

Treatment for dogs with bad breath

Hopefully you can pinpoint the specific reason for your dog’s bad breath.
By understanding what causes dog halitosis makes it easier to know which of the reasons are unique to your dog.

Once you know why your dog has bad breath you can begin an effective treatment plan designed specifically for your dog, to stop bad breath.

Depending on the reasons found for your dog’s unpleasant breath, treatments can slightly differ.
Dental Hygiene

With poor dental hygiene, the dog’s teeth will have to be professionally cleaned and then followed up with a daily oral hygiene routine.

Premium Diet
What your dog eats can have a major and even sudden impact on their breath.
Switching to a premium dog food could solve the problem.
Avoid commercial dog foods that contain cheap fillers (corn, wheat etc) and chemical preservatives.

When switching commercial foods be sure to do so gradually to avoid digestive upset. The New Food Transition formula can be found here.

Adequate Exercise
All dogs require a walk everyday not just let out into the back yard several times a day.
Dogs need to get out for a good long walk, to sniff, socialize and more importantly, eliminate completely.
The size and breed of your dog will determine the dog’s exercise requirements.

A Dog’s Make Up
If you have a dog with long hair, it can seem as if the dog has breath that is vile but actually is oils from food that’s attached itself to the fur, mimicking bad breath.

A simple face rinse after meals will help curtail this cause of bad odor.

dog halitosis holistic treatmentSet a Daily Routine
Dogs live for routine on a daily basis.

Same time each day gives the dog something to look forward to and  keeps the dog active. Knowing what’s  next and when makes for a more content dog over all. Otherwise a dog without regular routine can become sluggish, bored and can even become aggressive.

Regular routine on a daily basis is of utmost importance.

Internal Health
If you have all your bases covered but your dog still has foul breath, it may be time to consult a reputable veterinarian to run preliminary tests to rule out internal problems being the reason for your dog’s bad breath.
In my opinion not all dogs have bad breath and nor should they.
Nor does smelly dog breath indicate a dog in ill health.
If a dog has breath that is unpleasant it should be investigated so to find the reason in order to properly treat the dog.

If bad dog breath is not due to a medical problem, it could quite easily lead to one should the root cause fail to be addressed.

How about your dog? Hows the breath? Dog halitosis is so common yet so easy to cure and avoid.

February 20, 2012. Tags: , , , , . Canine Dental, Canine Diet, Dog Health, Excercise. Leave a comment.